Zu "Bromio" Black Vinyl
Release Date: June 21, 2024
In January 1999, after a few years of continuous and daily rehearsals, Zu
entered a studio to record Bromio
The album was released later that year, and received immediate enthusiastic
feedback from both press and audience, and within a few months, Zu started
performing on stages across Europe. However, the band's lack of experience in
recording work weighed heavily because the impact they had live was not present
in the CD's sound at all. Thus, during the "very light forced break" from 2020
onwards, Zu fnally found the time to reopen those recordings, rework them in
various ways, replay some parts, and release Bromio exactly 25 years later, now
with a sound much closer to the impact of their early live performances.
Listening to it again 25 years later, it still sounds fresh and vibrant, not being tied
to any predetermined genre or current fashion of the day (curious and almost
comical the defnition they were given of "jazzcore" when in reality the
foundations of their sound drew much more from prog and metal). Enjoy