Earache "The World Isn't Working - Red Skull" Earth Positive T shirt designed by Mark Titchner
Printed on organic, ethically-sourced cotton T shirts from Earth Positive, this T shirt is designed by the Turner Prize nominated artist Mark Titchner. 50% of all profits from the sale of these T shirts will be donated to the Refugee Rescue charity. See more information below.
Mark Titchner
Mark Titchner is a Turner Prize nominated artist from London UK. His work focuses on an exploration of the tensions between the different belief systems that inform our society, be they religious, scientific or political. He works across a number of media including digital print, wall drawing, video, sculpture and in his installations he often employs motifs taken from advertising, religious iconography, club flyers, trade union banners, prog rock and political propaganda. The common denominator among this material is a quest for idealism and enlightenment; a desire for some form of transcendence. Mark (an avid Napalm Death fan) was invited to collaborate on the Earache stage at Glastonbury in 2017 with his artwork decorating the stage. This included giant lettering of THE WORLD ISNT WORKING in the style of the ‘Extreme Noise Terror’ logo font along the side of the Earache Express in Shangri La (Pictured here) and posters plastered all over the interior of the tube train carriage. http://marktitchner.com/
Refugee Rescue
Refugee Rescue remains as the only humanitarian and professional search and rescue organisation in the region Refugee Rescue is a grassroots NGO operating a skilled Search and Rescue (SAR) team on the North Shore of Lesvos, Greece. Our boat crew and rescue vessel ‘Mo Chara’ are on call 24 hours per day, ready to assist those in distress at sea. Onshore, our land teams man spotting operations that keep watch along the treacherous coastline, and work alongside partners to provide emergency relief for those have just arrived. Refugee Rescue was founded in response to inadequate SAR infrastructure in 2015 when thousands of people were arriving to the island by boat, having been displaced by war, conflict and persecution. Dinghies often directly navigate towards dangerous rocks or shallows that can easily break the floor of these flimsy rubber boats, causing them to sink or capsize. Smugglers abandon groups of refugees on rocks and inaccessible beaches. Many boats also land on treacherous rocks and people are then stranded in locations that are difficult to reach. There is no cliff rescue here, no helicopter to come and help them, and people are often impossible to reach from land. Hundreds have already lost their lives and people are still crossing the perilous stretch of water between Turkey and Lesvos every day. As long as people are denied safe passage to Europe, they will continue risking their lives unnecessarily, forced to take what is now one of the world’s most dangerous migratory routes in search of refuge. By offering a consistent and skilled emergency response along this treacherous coastline, we seek to make this journey a little less deadly, with the hope of stopping any more lives being needlessly lost to The Aegean. http://www.refugeerescue.co.uk/
Earth Positive T shirts
Organic and ethically made, but crucially, manufactured solely using sustainable energy generated from wind and solar power, EarthPositive® is a practical and immediate solution for business and fashion to face their biggest challenge and take immediate action to combat climate change. EarthPositive® apparel is made to demonstrate the highest possible environmental, social and ethical standards, in one of the world’s most environmentally damaging industries, and to provide the music, fashion and promotional garment industries with a familiar product with which to promote awareness and take action on climate change. http://www.earthpositive.se/collection.htm